Friend Nyree from Sweden sent a message this morning, about Scandinavian patients having to go to Norway for treatment, with support from Germany! I'm posting her message with her permission here below:
(Translation of the article can be read here on this blog.)
Nyree wrote: Yesterday I was listening to the radio, and an “investigating” radio show, broadcasting on national level had a program labeled Pioneers abroad save Borrelia patients.Needless to say I began listening more thoroughly & also downloaded the show to listen from the start today.The program spoke about how difficult it is for Lyme patients to be believed, and to receive the proper treatment since antib’s are only distributed during 30 days here in Sweden, and many are mistakenly diagnosed with MS while they truly suffer from Neurological Borreliosis…They mentioned both ILADS & IDSA in the program.A Norwegian clinic, Arena Kliniken, are treating lyme patients based on American findings via a clinic in Augsburg, Germany, and they receive many patients from Scandinavia…
The German Lyme Fighter, Armin Schwarzbac |
A petition is online to lobby for removal of the outdated IDSA guidelines. The site explains the reasons. Please read for yourself, and sign, then share the link with others. Countries outside of the USA, skip the box for "State" and just choose your country. It will work that way.
* On another level, the website for the Lyme Walk in Brampton has been registered on the weekend and is being developed. For some reason the site is not live (yet) while I'm writing, so a mirror site is there. The petition is linked on the right side of that site. Please share! We hope to have a sea of green T-shirts there that day! Wear green if you have it, but we are designing and ordering shirts as well.
Jenni is working on a better graphic of the jailed tick and more pages, info and links will be added as the weeks go by.LymeWalkBrampton website or if that's offline, the mirror site LymeWalkBrampton