Thursday, May 11, 2006

First softball game of the season!

Our church joined in a friendly league of playing softball against other churches in the area. (I understand cricket a tad better than this game with the round bat, so bear with me, please! LOL) Very low-key, no pressure, no keeping score. Teams pitch to their own team; three balls to each batter, whether they swing at it or not. Bases may not be "loaded" - one player per base only. If a team has three players out, they are out. There has to be three female players on the team at any time. Age limit is 14.

Last night (May 10th) was our first game. We are still waiting for our baseball shirts (in purple and gold) to arrive, so people played in anything. It really was a lot of fun, both to watch and for the players!

The layout is very busy, because I tried to picture each player (and the pictures of Jim are all blurry - sorry, Jim! I'll get you next time!) and just hope I didn't leave someone out. Thought there were pics taken of all.

Anyway, the bigger layout is on 3Scrapateers if you want to take a closer look. Each player's name was added to his/her picture, and the kit used, is my Bowling kit.

1 comment:

Bat said...

wow, this is great. Must have taken ages to do - all those framed pics!

love it!

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