Friday, December 02, 2011

Dr. Murakami on Lyme

Dr. Ernie Murakami posted on my Facebook wall: 

"I will be co-hosting the radio show every Sunday evening with Sue Vogan from North Carolina starting on Dec 4th, 2011 (07:00-09:00 PM, Eastern Standard Time)
I can dialogue with you then and any one interested in Lyme disease."

This is the information about the show:
Sue Vogan's Radio Show:
IN SHORT ORDER, every Sunday, 7-9 PM EST

He posted on his own wall: 

"The Medical Profession remains divided despite the Federal Governments, Provincial governments and other Associations making statements that Lyme disease is a clinical diagnosis and a major epidemic is now eminent.

"... But it is only a matter of time when Education becomes the major issue in converting the non believers to believers.

"The evidence is mounting rapidly with the N.S. recent studies releasing the information that the tick population with Lyme spirochetes is rising.
The Manitoba Health Department in 2009 reported 14% of the ticks taken from patients were infected with Borelia burgdorferi and 5% with Anaplasma phagocytophelia.
Minnesota Health department has reported an average of 1000 serologically positive cases annually for the past 6 years.

"Along with these findings there are proportionate increases in Ehrlichiosis and Babesiosis which the medical schools are not teaching and primary care physicians are not aware of any co-infections.

"Patients urgently need financial assistance to seek medical care in other counties now, why do families have to sell their homes, suffer in silence with a misdiagnosis, be ridiculed by physicians and eventually some commit suicide.(Two personal patients)

"I plead that our medical profession will soon sit at one table and discuss all the knowledge that is acquired by evidence based medicine."


Huisvrou said...

Net 'n vragie: Het jy al dr Peter J D'Adamo se boek "Right for your type" gelees? Nie dat ek dit as 'n moontlike "genesingswonderwerk" sou sien nie, maar ek ondervind dat ekself voordeel put uit dit wat hy daarin skryf. Dit maak sin en dit het definitief impak op ons gesin se lewenskwaliteit gehad.


MeerkatMarlene said...

Hallo - dankie vir jou pos! Ek het al soveel gelees en probeer leer oor hierdie siekte! My brein is beskadig as gevolg van die infeksie. Hopenlik kom dit weer eendag reg soos nuwe paadjies gevorm word. Dankie vir die boek se naam.

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